Unique Fencing Option For Your Fence Project

November 6, 2015

Waves are typically associated with the beach and a relaxing vacation, but Century Fence recently guided the municipality of Port Washington, WI, through a successful installation of an Ornamental Wave Fence around their waste sewage facility.

These waves are providing an aesthetic upgrade while providing ample security around the plant.

The planning for a job like this takes a surprising amount of planning and attention to detail:

  • The grade of the terrain has to be accounted for each post and panel during the planning phase
  • The posts have to be set perfectly (otherwise the custom panels are useless)
  • Frequent discussions need to occur with manufacturers to ensure the dimensions of the panels are made according to specifications
  • The installation needs to be done by an experienced crew to ensure the custom panels are properly installed the first time

Check out some of the pictures from the installation:

Port Washington Wave Fence
Port Washington Wave Fence
Port Washington Wave Fence

If you have any questions or are interested in learning more about this solution, please feel free to contact Century Fence Company today. With over 100 years’ experience in the commercial fencing industry, we can customize a solution to fit your needs. And with a salesforce throughout Wisconsin and Minnesota, we can come to you and get your project done correctly and quickly.

To reach one of our salespeople, you can contact us here.

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