Over 4000 Feet of Fencing Installed at Hull Rust Mine View

May 28, 2019

Project Overview

Throughout the years, Century Fence has worked on thousands of different projects of all different types. This can also include specialty projects. Most recently, Century Fence was a part of the Hull Rust Mine View project. It is a mining monument that overlooks an active iron mine on the iconic iron range in Northern Minnesota. These mining operations take place 24/7, 365 days a year! Due to the mining activities, this monument needed to be relocated to a better location.

hull rust mine view

Businesses Requests

For this project, it stated that they’d need a rather large amount of fencing for their new location. On top of this, they’d also need to have wall panels made for their lookouts for tourists. By no means would this be considered a smaller project, but the Century Fence team would still be able to handle it with no issue. The rest of the project included having to move a Dump Truck that weighs up to 80,000 pounds!

hull rust mine view

Our Solutions

The monuments at the previous location were moved to the new site. Because of this, mining can continue to make its way to where the previous monuments were located. To move the truck, Bougalis and Sons Excavating used dual flatbed tractor trailers and then would push them up the hill with dual D8 caterpillars. This did the trick. When it comes to Century Fence, there were over 4,000 feet of fencing installed, and three custom made end wall panels for the lookouts. The fencing was woven wire with T-posts for the line posts and the terminal (corners & ends) T-posts in concrete and with bracing & truss rod at 48” high. This is typical fencing at mining facilities to secure their facilities. There were no gates or barbed wire on this project, although there was custom fabricated lookout panels to enclose the ends of the precast lookout structures.

hull rust mine view

Final Results

The final results speak for itself. With multiple companies coming together to get this project completed, it all gets finished in the end. Some of the tasks were more time consuming, and each one had its own set of challenges, but it was worth the effort in the end. Century Fence continues to ensure that its client’s expectations are met and exceeded, and the product that’s standing does all of the talking. Now the Hull Rust Mine View can move forward in its new location of giving tourists a great destination stop to visit.

hull rust mine view

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