Century Fence accepted the challenge of the Core 2 – Zoo Interchange Project.
The Zoo Interchange pavement markings received a lot of negative attention prior to us taking on this project. It is a heavily traveled project affecting many people during their commute to and from the city of Milwaukee.
It is a unique project for many reasons:
- Orange Epoxy – A unique epoxy that cannot be used on other jobs
- Removal – Intertwined with markings as traffic is maneuvered
- On call 24/7 – Must be ready to assist at all hours
- Three year commitment – Core 2 is scheduled for 2016 – 2018
- High profile – Before we took on this job it had received a lot of negative attention even making it on to the news
Before we put our trucks on the site to begin striping the zoo interchange, we took a proactive approach to meet with the project engineers to propose a solution to the visibility issues of 2015. We worked with vendors and the project engineers to provide a wet reflective solution to enhance the safety on the zoo interchange project.
This project requires a tremendous amount of coordination with the DOT project engineers. We are able to provide simultaneous services of removing lines while putting in place new traffic control markings throughout the zoo interchange.
Tremendous amounts of traffic race through this project every day. We understand the responsibility we have to perform and to keep the roadways safe.
Century enhanced the visibility and safety of the roads on I-94 & I-894.
Century is constantly seeking to improve and will be continuing to work with our vendors and project engineers to find improved products for the project over the course of our three years in the zoo interchange. We look forward to continuing to serve the DOT on the zoo interchange project in the coming months and years.
If you are interested in learning more about this solution or why an ornamental, galvanized chain link, black vinyl chain link fencing might be what you’re looking for, contact Century Fence Company today. With over 100 years of experience in the commercial fencing industry, we can customize a solution to fit your needs. And with a salesforce throughout Wisconsin and Minnesota, we can come to you and get your project done correctly and quickly.
To reach one of our salespeople, please contact one of our offices:
- (800) 558-0507 Milwaukee/Madison
- (800) 280-1551 Green Bay
- (800) 328-9558 Minnesota